


The fatmelter is used to melt blocks of fat, shortening, chocolate blocks and chocolate chips or other similar products that require temperature-controlled heating to convert them from a solid, or semi solid state to liquid for processing.

It turns them into a liquid state via an adjustable temperature heated grid.

A variable speed agitator holds the melted product in suspension, and at a controlled and even temperature.

The blocks are loaded manually and unpacked on an incorporated loading table, before being slid onto the heating grid. Beneath the fat melter there is a pump to transfer the liquified product into the main system.

The temperature of the fatmelter’s: grid, jacketed tank and pipework is controlled via a water tempering unit providing a constant set temperature to all three components.

Systems parts

  • Tank in jacketed execution
  • Loading table
  • Melting grid, mounted on top, jacketed holding tank for the liquified product. Heated by temperature-controlled circulating hot water.
  • Grid cover fitted with gas actuators for easy opening.
  • Product transfer pump
  • Water tempering unit

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